Dr. Arvind Kumar
President and Founder, India Water Foundation

Dr. Arvind Kumar is President and Founder of India Water Foundation a non-profit organization and think tank established for generating a heightened public awareness at national level in India and sub-regional level in Asia, regarding water and its impact on human health, economic growth and environmental sustainability, Special Consultative Status with UN-ECOSOC, Observer Status Governing Body of UNEA, Observer Status with UNFCCC, Observer Status with UNCCD, CTCN membership for Southern Asia, member IUCN and member South Asia Network for Sustainable Development (SANS) platform of the SSWA office of UNESCAP. He is a former Governor of the World Water Council.
He is a strategist and key-influencer in development sector with more than 30+ years of experience, author, columnist, Water and Human Rights Pro-activist, and specializes in ecosystem-based adaptation, water-energy-food nexus, with specific emphasis on Transversality approach of inter-linkages between water, environment and SDGs. He is a Climate Policy Expert of Article 6.4 mechanism roster of experts of UNFCCC. He has published over 500+ research articles and is a Ph.D. Defense Studies. He jointly edited a publication with SAC Dhaka titled “SAARC Outlook on Water-Energy-Food Nexus in SAARC Region”. Author of ‘United Nations: 75 and beyond’ to commemorate 75 years of service of UN, 'Ecosystem Based Adaptation' published by Elsevier London, 'India @75 and Beyond' and "Friday Musings" is a curated collection of 101 blogs reflecting on global challenges many resonating with India.
He is registered author with Elsevier, former member of the ‘National Wetlands Committee, MoEF&CC, GOI, member Technical Advisory Committee for India's Third National Communication and Biennial Update Reports to UNFCCC, member of the Meghalaya State Water Resources Council and Meghalaya council for Climate Change and Sustainable Development. For his exemplary work on Water and Environment he has been conferred with the Achievers Award for his exemplary contribution and commitment for protecting environment by India Eye IHRO in collaboration with UNIC for India & Bhutan on the occasion of World Environment Day 2017 in New Delhi. Under his leadership IWF won Water Digest Water Awards “Water Warriors - United for Water!” 2017-18 under the Category BEST WATER NGO - WATER EDUCATION and Best NGO – Water Sanitation in 2018-19 twice in a row.