IWF Transversal Awards
1 Leading waste water treatment and management model State Trophy with Citation State/District/ULB  Efforts in collecting, treating and reusing wastewater from households and industries. Efforts undertaken at a State level
District Efforts undertaken at a district level
Urban local bodies Efforts undertaken by ULBs
2 Communication in water conservation Article Trophy with Citation Newspaper/Magazine/TV shows/ E-news platforms To recognize significant accomplishments in promoting public awareness and the understanding of water environment issues through the development and implementation of outreach, education and/or communication programs. No. of articles published
Stories No. of engaging stories published
Photography Gripping photographs regarding water conservation.
3 Rejuvenation of water bodies District Administration Trophy with Citation District Administration/ Company/Organization/CSOs/ NGOs To recognize efforts in preserving and rejuvenating water bodies Creation of irrigation potential
Company or Organisation No. of ponds lakes etc created/rejuvenated
NGO/CSO Mandating rainwater harvesting
4 Rainwater Harvesting and Ground water Management Company/Organisation Trophy with Citation Company/Organisation/School/NGO/CSO Adopting innovative practices to augment groundwater, rainwater harvesting, and water resource management. Efforts undertaken by a Corporate
Government entity Efforts undertaken by a Government entity
NGO/CSO Efforts undertaken by NGO/CSO
5 Innovation in Water Technology Company/Organisation Trophy with Citation Company/Organisation/Educational institute/NGO/CSO Efforts in addressing traditional and emerging threats to water resources through
innovative technology and research
Efforts undertaken by a Corporate
Educational Institute Efforts undertaken by an Educational Institute
NGO Efforts undertaken by NGO
6 Sustainability and retainability  award Environmental and social innovation Trophy with Citation Ministries/ Departments/ Administration/ Company/Organization/CSOs/ NGOs Efforts that address gender equity, economic inclusion and justice related to environmental issues. Innovation and research for environment
Gender Equity Contributions for gender equity
Economic Inclusion Contributions for economic inclusion
7 Robust Climate Awards Climate Resilience Trophy with Citation Ministries/ Departments/ Administration/ Company/Organization/CSOs/ NGOs Efforts in promoting climate resilience; providing finance for climate friendly investment and contributions towards climate change and resiliency Innovative technologies and research for climate resilience
Financing for Climate friendly investment Finance models for financing climate focused investments
Climate Action Efforts towards climate change and resilience
8 Sustainable Agriculture awards Farmer Income Enhancement program Trophy with Citation Ministries/ Departments/ Administration/ Company/Organization/CSOs/ NGOs Exchange of knowledge, best practices, and innovative solutions for the development of sustainable agriculture practices and enhancing farmers’ income. Recognizing farmer engagement model
Climate Resilient Agriculture Innovations and interventions
Innovative Product/Technology/Services Improving farmer’s income
9 Driving the Circular Economy Company Trophy with Citation Company/Startup/NGO/
Circular economy award will consider all aspects of not only waste reduction and recycling but will take a holistic approach to ‘The 5 R’s’ where relevant – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle – and will include supply chain integration and collaborative working. Maximizing resource efficiency
Startup Adopted a ‘closed loop’ system
NGO/CSO Educating the workforce and engaging supply chain
10 Best initiatives on Greener Energy
Harit Urja Puraskaar
Leading PSE/PSU Trophy with Citation PSE/ Startup/company To recognize innovative technologies, pioneering companies, and inspiring individuals shaking up the energy system and driving towards a zero carbon future. Transition to a smart, decentralized energy system
Budding minds i.e. Startup New Business models or policies regarding clean energy
Ø Company Behavioral change in adopting clean energy
11 Habitat and wildlife conservation award Ministries/ Departments Trophy with Citation Ministries/Departments/State/UT/ Developmental organization An award for projects which create, restore and sustain biodiversity of our native flora and fauna in urban environments  Promotion and advocacy for conserving local biodiversity
State/UT Conservation of biodiversity
Developmental sector Policy or mission that maintains the protection of local biodiversity.
12 Know waste; no waste award ULBs initiatives Trophy with Citation ULBS/RLBS/NGOS Encompasses the work done for sustainable waste management Outreach/awareness generation
RLBs initiatives Innovation and technology advancement
RLBs initiatives Sustainable disposal of solid and inert waste
13 Nature, protection and Restoration National Trophy with Citation Ministries/Departments/State Governments/District Administration Recognizing exceptional contributions to nature conservation made by individuals and organizations Efforts made at National level
Regional Efforts made at State level
District Efforts made at District level
14 Women change makers in Environment conservation Water conservation Trophy with Citation Individuals and their respective organizations (if any) Outstanding contribution of women Efforts made regarding Water Conservation and Outreach
Solid Waste Management Efforts made regarding Solid Waste Management and Outreach
Sanitation Efforts made regarding Sanitation  and Outreach
15 Wetland Conservation Award Government Authority Trophy with Citation Ministries/ Departments/ Administration/ Company/Organization/NGO/CSO The awards recognize and honor the contributions of individuals, organizations and government in promoting the conservation and wise use of wetlands. Wetland conservation and preservation
Company Wetland wise use
NGO/CSO Long-term sustainable use of wetland
16 Residential Welfare Association (RWA) Water conservation Trophy with Citation RWAs Various efforts made regarding sustainable environment and management by the RWA Rainwater harvesting and wise use of domestic water
Solid Waste Management Safe disposal of solid waste
Green Canopies No. of trees planted
17 Best initiatives on skilling the community Water Conservation Trophy with Citation Urban Local Body/Rural Local Body/ and NGO Recognizing the efforts made for skilling the community for better sustainable environment Skilling the workforce for water conservation
Solid Waste Management Skilling the workforce for solid waste management
Greener Environment Skilling the workforce for green cover
18 Leading School Waste management practices Trophy with Citation Schools Recognizing the schools in leading the initiatives regarding environmental sustainability Adopting good practices for sustainable solid waste management
Sensitizing pupils for sustainable environment Sensitizing students through competitions and campaigns
Water conservation Rainwater harvesting and wise use of water
19 Special recognition award for organizations in developmental sector Education sector Trophy with Citation Developmental organizations/NGO/CSO Recognizing and awarding individuals and organizations who have contributed to several sectors under an umbrella of development. Efforts made in Education sector
Health sector Efforts made in Health sector
Food Security Efforts made for improving the food security
20 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives Water security Trophy with Citation Company/Corporate Leading CSRs contributing towards sustainable environment Company contributing to water security under CSR
Green environment Company contributing to green cover projects under CSR
Disseminating education Company contributing to disseminating education via projects under CSR
21 Leaders Award Water Utility Trophy with Citation Governmental unit, Municipal or Private corporation, Association, Partnership, or Individual Recognizing the leaders in three sectors Adoption of innovative research and technology in Water utility
Sanitation Improving sanitation for all
E-Mobility Innovation and research regarding E-mobility
22 Lifetime Achievement Award Trophy with Citation Governmental unit, Municipal or Private corporation, Association, Partnership, or Individual Recognizing decades of consistent action on behalf of the planet and its inhabitant Determined action towards environment sustainability and sharing knowledge through which we can solve the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution with effective action