Lockdown 3.0 is initiated. Every day we are learning about new developments on COVID-19 and like everyone I am grateful to our Frontier Warriors standing ahead to make us safe. The worst is far from over as we understand that the pandemic is taking heavy toll on our health, economy and social indices. However, that is not the case with the environment. On a positive note, we see air pollution levels dropping, clean rivers of Ganga & Yamuna which is a good sign of nature healing itself. I would like to acknowledge that compassion is a medicine. We need to show solidarity and brotherhood amidst the crisis and staying home safe is the need of the hour. On the other hand, a concern has now become very real and urgent. Steering our responses toward the SDGs is our utmost priority, given our commitment to the realization of Last Decade for Action (2020-30) and accelerating our actions towards reaching furthest behind. As I keep saying, solidarity is the hope we rely on. So, let’s come together and obviously not forget the equitable sustainable development goals and targets in our parallel fight against pandemic. Already, COVID-19 is taking so much from us. But it’s also giving us a golden opportunity to come together towards People, Planet and Prosperity as we have the last ten years with us.
TAGs: #SDGs #COVID19 #Ganga #Yamuna #CleanRiver #Economy #AirPollution #FrontierWarriors #Lockdown3.0 #Environment #Pandemic